Executive Committee - Charter Purpose

The PTA Executive Committee (EC) is constituted by the School Management comprising the principal, teachers and parents which aims to provide all stakeholders a platform to meet, exchange, analyse issues, make recommendations and pursue the implementation of decisions on matters affecting education/learning at Symbiosis International School. (SIS)

  • The PTA Executive Committee shall be non-commercial, non-political and non- religious.
  • Any EC member in their official capacities shall not use their membership to endorse or promote a commercial concern.
  • The EC shall work with the school to provide quality education for all students and may seek to, or be sought out to, participate in the decision-making process establishing school policy, recognizing that all final decisions are made by the Symbiosis Management as the ultimate authority.

Membership to the Parent Teacher Association

  • All the Parents/guardians whose children who study at Symbiosis International School will be Member of the Parent Teacher Association.
  • Every teacher of Symbiosis International School will be member of the Parent Teacher Association.

Membership to the Executive Committee

  • Membership of the Executive Committee shall be open to only One parent and One teaching staff to be selected from each grade by lottery method.
  • The formation of Parents-Teacher's Association's Executive Committee would be as under
Chairperson Principal of the School
Vice-Chairperson One from amongst the parents
Secretary One from amongst the coordinators
Two Joint Secretaries Both from amongst parents
Member One parent & one teacher from each grade

Guidelines for Executive Committee members

  • Members must work with proper conduct and respect to one another at all times.
  • It is mandatory for members to attend meetings.
  • The tenure of Executive Committee is for one year. A member once having served his/her tenure as an EC member can put forward his candidature only after two years.
  • The EC meeting is held minimum once in every quarter in the school premises.
  • EC members to be intimated about the upcoming meeting at least fifteen days prior.
  • No EC member to communicate with any outside organization or persons in their official capacities without expressed permission of the school management or a resolution of the EC.
  • The EC is expected to abide by the policies or decisions of the School Management.
  • The EC is not a platform for personal advancement or as a means to score favours with the Management & Teachers.
  • Members must inform their points of agenda to the Secretary at least one week prior to the meeting.
  • Quorum must include the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and at least 3 parents and 3 teachers of the Managing Committee. In the absence of the quorum the meeting shall be cancelled and rescheduled after the lapse of 15 days.

Roles and Responsibilities of Executive Committee

  • Build a sense of community at school through increased and sustained parent participation and involvement in school events.
  • Foster a cordial relation between parents, teachers, and school authorities.
  • Help school in any events outside and beyond standard school functions such as organizing inter-school events and community outreach programmes.
  • Provide an "ear" to the issues concerning the parent body at large and take it up with school authorities for a satisfactory resolution.
  • Solicit new ideas and suggestions from the parent body to help enhance the overall educational experience.

Note: EC's role is limited to the above-mentioned roles and responsibilities. EC members are not permitted to interfere in Day to Day affairs of the school Management.

Executive Committee at SIS

Members PTA Executive Committee 2023-24
1 Chairperson Dr. M. Madan Mohan
2 Management Representative Dr. Gargee Mitra
3 Secretary Ms. Deepa Prasad
4 Vice Chairperson Mrs. Forum Shah
5 Joint Secretary 1 - Parent Mrs. Nupur Shah
6 Joint Secretary 2 - Teacher Mrs. Sweity Chaurasia
Std Representative Name of the Members Grade
7 1st Parent Mrs. Nandini Narang PYP 1
8 2nd Parent Mr. Bhaskar Bagchi PYP 2
9 3rd Parent Mrs. Rakhi Makad PYP 3
10 4th Parent Mr. Kunal More PYP 4
11 5th Parent Mr. Rishi Dhuper PYP 5
12 6th Parent Mrs. Priyanka Tingre MYP 1
13 7th Parent Mr. Muninder Nagar MYP 2
14 8th Parent Mrs. Mansi Tolani MYP 3
15 9th Parent Mrs. Bhavana Mayur IG 1
16 10th Parent Mrs. Manasi Bhosale IG 2
17 11th Parent Mrs. Aditi Dhere DP 1
18 12th Parent Mrs. Pradnya Edke DP 2
19 Teacher Mrs. Nupur Khisty
20 Teacher Mr. Ravi Nirpal
21 Teacher Mrs. Binita Kumari
22 Teacher Mrs. Noureen Vastani
23 Teacher Mr. Krishan Singh
24 Teacher Mrs. Preeti Jagtap
25 Teacher Mrs. Dorothy Moses
26 Teacher Mrs. Gunjan Matlani
27 Teacher Mrs. Heenal Shah
28 Teacher Mrs. Patricia Dsouza

Vacancies and Replacements

  • Upon resignation of any standing member of the EC committee, the School Management will fill vacancy by lottery. The appointed person shall serve only the remaining time that the original committee member would have served.
  • Any vacancies during nomination for the election of EC Committee will be filled by the School Management by appointment.
  • The EC has the right to replace any member who violates the code of conduct and communication and appoint a replacement by selection for the remaining tenure of the committee.

Amendment Procedures:

  • Any amendments that are deemed necessary shall be put to a vote during the EC meeting with the majority agreeing to the change.
  • Notice of amendment/s to the by-laws shall be given to parents and administrators at least four weeks prior to schedule voting.

Minutes of the Meeting 28th May 2024 -  Click Here

Minutes of the Meeting 6th Nov 2023 -     Click Here

Minutes of the Meeting 29th Sept 2023 -  Click Here

Minutes of the Meeting 28th Feb 2023 -    Click Here

Minutes of the Meeting 7th Sept 2022 -    Click Here

Minutes of the Meeting 18th Oct 2022 -    Click Here

Minutes of the Meeting 18th Nov 2022 -    Click Here